2015 - how did that happen? I can't believe that it's January already, and again I didn't post in December to capture the holidays. it was a great one this year, even though puo-puo and gong-gong didn't come up. I had almost 2 weeks off and it was amazing to spend the time with family. We hosted another grand christmas eve and dylan was the MOST enthusiastic xmas performer/singer. evan was a little too young to participate. maybe it's because we're getting into the groove, or that we got a little head start, but it wasn't as rushed as previous years. sort of. on christmas day, we went over to belin and she hosted an amazing dinner with steamed lobster tails and rosemary prime rib. it was one of the best holiday meals ever. i had a few glasses of wine, and conveniently left my phone at their place. we had to meet on 4th street in berkeley the next day -- that was less than convenient. the boys were spoiled, but it wasn't too bad. It was a great surprise that uncle juice came over on christmas day, and that uncle sam and zach are now back in the bay area.
on new years eve we took a 6am flight down to socal. We stayed up until past 1am and had to get up at 3:30 to be out the door by 4. Both boys were extremely well behaved and dylan was so excited to be going to the airport and to go on vacation. he sang the "we're going on a vacation" song and was doing a little dance. Adorable. he was up the entire ride and trip down to socal. belin's family also came down. Ian had to fly out for one day, but flew back to drive belin and the girls back home. we did the ice carnie event at the queen mary, but the highlight was going to CA adventures and logistically scoring a 9.9 on the experience. dylan was able to ride the cars roller coaster 4 times, and took in about 9 rides, not including the alladin show, the pixar parade and the world of color show. the girls rode on almost 15 rides and went on the big roller coast 3 or 4 times. I could only handle it once. that day was so memorable. 15 hours at the park. 100% success. the only drawback was noticing the power outlet at lunch a little late in the game so we didn't fully re-charge all of our phones.
what can say about the boys. evan is still our snuggerbunkers, who still didn't like getting his hair cut (still cried at his second experience at snippets). he still gets nai-nai at night and sometimes during the morning on the weekends, and he still likes blowing raspberries on my gut. dylan is almost 40 inches, and about 33 pounds and evan is probably weighing about 23 pounds. dylan is dealing with the reality that just because he wants something, doesn't necessarily mean that he's going to get it. and evan is just a noodle monster. he and eats, eats, and eats endless amounts of noodles, pomegranate seeds, pomello, mandarin oranges and berries. his dimples are still the cutest and now he runs throughout out house, opening doors, climbing onto tables, being his little mischievous self. dylan is turning into a poor eater, and a whining monster sometimes, but i still think he's struggling with not being able to get what he wants, when he wants it. and i don't blame him. i'm still struggling with that too.